The plan is simple

I’m making my first commercial Steam game!

I’ve spent the last year and half learning game dev and making small games that are frankly really really bad.
About 90% percent of that time went into learning Unity but now I’m learning Godot. And I’m making the game in it.

happy blue robot noises

Now, if I’m being honest I really should have gone and made a Steam game last year.
But better late than never.

I want to finish this game in ~3 months time.

I think this is a good enough time frame to make a small full game with decent amount of polish.

There are many reasons behind the potential existence of this game.
But it all boils down to me making something from start to finish and putting it out there so I can finally call myself a game dev for real.

The game idea

Simple projectile weapon demo

So, let me tell you what the game is all about.

It’s a 2D arena shooter where every couple of seconds your weapon changes to a weapon from a loadout that you’ve built.

Let me explain…

Basically, you fight through a bunch of stages which are all composed of multiple waves of enemies.

Once you beat a stage, you go to the loadout builder screen. It’s going to be a shop that allows you to buy a weapon for your loadout or sell a weapon from your loadout.

The loadout has a capacity of 6 weapons at most. You build your own loadout using the weapons from the shop.

And in the actual game – in the ‘stage’, your weapon changes every couple of seconds to another weapon from that loadout.

So, the idea is for you, the player, to beat all the stages
(and the boss fights, wink wink) by building your Lucky Loadout.


Okay well, it’s not the best idea but it’s good enough that I can make a small game out of it. It’s actually inspired by many other games that incentivize replayablity by allowing players to build different kinds of… uh… builds.

Think of games like:

Those are all major inspirations for this game.

Development progress

It’s been almost 4 weeks since I first began this project and the progress on it has been extremely bad.

I’ve wasted too much time on thinking about the general design of the game and also the different kinds of weapons to put in the game. Those things certainly do need some thought but perhaps not so much at this point in development.

I also procrastinated a whole lot (please don’t tell anyone).

Nonetheless, the last month has not been a total waste (huffin’ and puffin’ copium).

So far I’ve got:

  • Player movement working
  • Controller support implemented (although, it needs a little bit of tweaking)
  • Half of projectile weapon system implemented

And yeah, that’s it.

Sticking to my original deadline of 3 months, I have about ~2 months to complete this game.

It’s doable. It really is. I just need to hocus pocus focus.

Next time

In the next devlog, I’ll hopefully go into more detail about the weapon system I have at play.

It’s not the best thing but I do feel good for implementing something mildly robust.